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Sundials in Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad, Russia
Sundials with polar style, showing Moscow official time with longitude and EOT correction. Mozaic dial is keeping up in ideal condition, assuming sundials are at free public access 24 hours!
Sundials in Nida, Lithuania
Spider type of sundials with vertical gnomon and most monumental implementation (at least among known to us).
La Nef Solaire, Languedoc, France
An example of organic interaction of gnomonics and architecture, autoroute A9 between Orange and Nimes.
Sundials in Genk, Belgium
Collection of 12 wonderful sundials exists since 1994, 20 years experience of outdoor usage in public place.
Astronomical ground in Valencia, Spain
Photos of some sundials were made twice: in 2012 and 2014 years, so one can see the result of 2-years usage.
Tower of the Winds in Athens, Greece
The tower is an acient meteostation, known for clepsydra and bas-reliefs of the winds. Under bas-reliefs one can see hours and declination lines of sundials.
Restoration of sundials, Dmitrov, Russia.
In 2010 we took part in restoration of vertical sundials in the Nikolo-Peshnoshskiy monastery. Original forged gnomon was rectifed and welded again.